Over 70 people given free eye surgery

Humanity first supported an eye camp for cataract extraction surgeries in Zimbabwe in collaboration with the Council for the Blind Zimbabwe and the Ophthalmology Department of Parirenyatwa Hospital.

Two senior ophthalmologists, Dr Kufa and Dr Macheka, conducted the eye surgeries with Dr Chuma, assisted by the ophthalmic nurses who also prepared the instruments. Dr Hove prepared the patients for surgery by reassessing them, ensuring the pupils were dilated enough and giving local anaesthetic agents (retrobulbar and facial nerve blocks). He was assisted by Humanity first Dr Idris who helped with local anaesthetics, in assessing patients and instilling eye drops to dilate the pupils, preparing patients for the anaesthetic block, and ensuring the flow of patients in and out of the operating room.

The Council for the Blind staff members were in charge of the supplies and records whilst the AMJ Zimbabwe volunteers and other supporting staff helped to prepare patients in theatre gowns, escorted patients from the wards to the theatre and back and provided support to make them comfortable.